Colossal (2016)
Chosen by me as I like to go to the cinema a lot.
A film maybe mis-sold by it's marketing.
At first I worried about the idea of tying alcoholism to kaiju action being both a little on the nose but also offensively reductive. However the movie does something much more interesting than that.
It also is not really a comedy, despite having some funny stuff in and doesn't undermine the seriousness of addiction by playing it for simple laughs.
Anne Hathaway is amazing, giving one of the best performances of her career, grounding the weirder elements with a very human soul.
Spoilers to follow.
When the film reveals (and it has plenty of clues beforehand but we are conditioned by years of romance comedies to not be alarmed by them) that it is actually about toxic masculinity and how the 'nice guy' trope is damaging to all around it really cements itself as something special. And it gets to explore it in a couple of ways with both Jason Sudekis and Dan Stevens presenting as heroic leading man types at differing points in the movie before pulling back the curtain to show that behaviour as corrupt and controlling.
And unnecessary.
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