Tuesday, 22 August 2017

The trash will soften the impact.

What Happened to Monday
Chosen by me from netflix because Noomi Rapace is great, didnt realise it was from the director of Dead Snow though, which may have given me pause

A deeply confused film that doesn't seem to know what political point it wants to make so just throws a lot of stuff into the mix but explores none of them so it can have action scene after action scene instead of any rational thought.
Perhaps it is telling that the title has no question mark. This is not a film to think and engage with but one that bluntly whacks you on the head (im not sure if its' twists are meant to be surprising though it gets some points for being fairly brutal) and says 'look how clever i am' without doing the legwork of actually being clever.
Rapace is fun acting with six other versions of herself (though she doesnt Tatiana Maslany the shit out of it) but Glenn Close does a weak Margaret Thatcher (especially compared to Swinton in Snowpiercer with which this film shares some flaws but none of its' strengths) and Willem Dafoe, an interesting eccentric performer when at his best, is wasted (there is a darker side to his character which is briefly mentioned but, as with everything else, not followed up on).

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