Sunday, 27 August 2017

We are dealing with science here!

Logan Lucky (2017)
Chosen by me as I like to go to the cinema a lot and hey a new Soderbergh is something to celebrate.

A very funny, well played heist movie ("Ocean's 7-11" it dubs itself within the film so lazy film reviewers like me can't use that joke themselves) with the requisite twists and complications needed but a good grasp kept on the characterisations at all times.
The whole thing moves with panache ably helped once more by a cool David Holmes score and attention to detail that help sell the more unlikely moments (it's hard to believe one late twist doesn't spur a different outcome).
Seth Mcfarlane is mostly pointless in a role that seems designed for Ricky Gervais to play but Daniel Craig has a hoot with his eccentric campy explosives expert.
There's a strong Coen Brothers vibe to the whole endeavour (Tatum is a very interesting muse to some great filmmakers - a Tatum totem if you will) but it's not mere pastiche and forges it's own more laid back take on their meticulously crafted farces.

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